Chair massage

Photo by Sylvie Tittel

The typical employee works 40+ hours a week anymore so a great night of sleep is often required for daily tasks! Chair massage enhances sleep, productivity and ease for the rest of the work day. 

When you go to bed, do you actually get a good night’s sleep? Do you feel relaxed and rested in the morning, or do you move throughout the day with your eyes half closed and stressed? Sleep is essential to your health, and without a consistent sleep pattern, you are more likely to suffer from the consequences of sleep deprivation.

Inadequate amounts of sleep are correlated with the onset of chronic diseases and conditions, for example, diabetes, obesity, depression, and cardiovascular disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, insufficient amounts of sleep are associated with the start of these diseases as well as their duration and level of intensity.

Sleep is essential to good health, productivity, and the maintenance of healthy personal relationships. Healthcare professionals typically agree that the regular adult should sleep an average of seven to nine hours every night. In order for your immune system to operate at its maximum level, your body needs to receive adequate amounts or rest so that it can be able to heal itself if the immune system is compromised. Not only can sleep affect your health, but it can also be detrimental to your interpersonal relationships. If you are not well rested, you are more likely to be pessimistic, negative, upset, and unproductive. According to the National Sleep Foundation, short sleep duration is associated with a higher body mass index, higher risk of diabetes and heart problems, increased likelihood of motor vehicle accidents, heightened risk of depression and substance abuse, and decreased ability to pay attention.

When you are stressed, an automatic system in your body called the sympathetic nervous system is activated and triggers a sensation called “fight or flight.” During a chair massage, the other automatic system called the parasympathetic system is activated, which consequently causes your body to relax. Often, sleeplessness is caused by high amounts of stress. Chair massage can alleviate the stress that so many hold onto and can actually cause many people to take a light snooze whilst in the middle of a professional onsite chair massage.

Receiving a mobile chair massage can improve your sleep pattern on a daily basis, and it could even help you catch some zzzs during the massage therapy session itself. Massage is a relaxing experience that can ease the tension that is often the main cause of many sleepless nights while also increasing productivity and mental awareness! A win-win for the typical office worker!

Wouldn’t you like to feel as refreshed as this client? Testimonials like this one make us smile!

Active star Active star Active star Active star Active star
“This is my first time using the service. It was worth every penny. I went with the 15-minute session and I was totally relaxed before time ran out”

Bringing corporate chair massage into your stressful work environment could alleviate stress and enhance your sleep and relaxation so that you can start waking up refreshed and ready to start each day.

For more information, please contact us, through this link.  Janet Constantino, CEO of Massage Kneads is also happy to take your call at 410 989 3577.

We know that you have health and wellness “kneads,” and we would be thrilled to see you sleeping soundly after a much-needed massage treatment.

Escape. Experience. Enjoy.