Recently, I’ve read up on an interesting topic about workspaces. Workspaces vary from each business to the next and can go from many different styles. The most known type of area for work is the traditional

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On-site chair massage

cubicles. You know, the ones where you have a small area to yourself, a wall, and then someone crammed right next to you. Studies show that while this may be the best type of workspace area-wise, it isn’t really the best option for productivity. Being “trapped” in a small area with others in close range can be uncomfortable, and stressful and may even prevent you from being as productive as you would in another setting.

This has been a topic of debate for quite some time now, as companies are stuck deciding if it’s worth it to cash the extra money on better workspaces. From the research I have done, it is definitely something companies might want to put together a budget to create an inspiring office environment. Take Google for example. Their location in Silicon Valley has an amazing campus with many different things to take in. Google offers open areas, gyms, game areas, areas to ride your bike throughout the area, and even a nap room to catch up on sleep! These are all places that have been implemented in businesses to help keep inspiration in the workplace and keep productivity at a high.

It is obvious that workplace changes can make a big impact on the company.  However, they don’t have to be as drastic as some of the ones listed. Just expanding your offices to a more open, freestyle space has shown a boost in focus and a drop in stress levels among workers. Maybe instead of those boring desks, bring out some fun creative tables, whiteboards, or even some cool rolling chairs. Colors are also something that can affect the mood of your employees. Instead of a boring old beige, why not green? Or maybe a bright blue? When people see these colors, they tend to be in a more inspired state of mind as opposed to a dull color.

Workspace changes will not be complete without some fun and helpful ways to kick back. With the extra space in your office, you might want to use it for something the whole office could enjoy. Parties are a great way to relax the mood of your office and bring everyone together. It is important to have good social events to help get to know the other people you share your office space with. Another good way to help your employees kick back is to bring wellness programs into the office. By showing your employees you care, you are showing them how to reach their full potential and you are helping them reduce the stress that may be building up for them. Massage Kneads specializes in bringing stress relief by offering on-site chair massages. Your employees will know just how much you appreciate them.

This testimonial was sent in by one of my regular clients. Corporate Massage Kneads is so pleased to offer mobile chair massage each week to those that “knead” some stress relief!

Highly Recommended! “I carry a lot of tension in my back and shoulders and sitting in front of a computer screen all day does not help the situation. In just a short amount of time, Janet is able to get out all the “kinks.” It really does make a world of difference to me. Also, based on what’s bothering me the most at the time of my visit, Janet is able to customize the therapy for my back, neck, or shoulder issues with the right amount of pressure to alleviate the tension and discomfort. Thanks as always!”

Contact Janet Constantino, CEO of Corporate Massage Kneads here! Starting your wellness program is one click AWAY!

Escape. Experience. Enjoy.