Organizing a wellness event with mobile chair massage is a VERY rewarding job for Corporate Massage Kneads! We enjoy the satisfaction of working with companies to put together a wellness program that will allow for much relaxation and ultimately more productivity for those working day in and day out at a desk.
Many Human Resources administrators commonly ask these questions:
How big is the massage chair? The link below shows the size and dimensions of the chair!
What size space is optimal for this program?
Answer: The massage chair is similar in size to a desk chair. In order for therapists to work effectively and efficiently for the BEST massage possible, we like to have full access around the chair with a few paces around to access all the anatomy including the head, neck, shoulders, and back!
The time spent is minimal compared to the benefits of massage which include:
Increased morale and productivity.
When Fortune magazine featured the best 100 companies to work for in America, they emphasized corporate perks like massage. These benefits were shown to empower workers and positively affect the success of the business. The Gallup poll summarized that “employee attitudes correlate strongly with higher profits.”
Relief of stress and fatigue.
On-site massage is an energizing massage, but it also relaxes the muscles and soothes the spirit. Workers surveyed by Time Magazine preferred massage over coffee breaks!
Massage opens the mind and increases alertness.
Massage clears thinking and releases the individual’s innate creativity. “A fifteen-minute massage increases alertness and performance,” reports Dr. Tiffany Fields in Life.
Massage increases brain power and sharpens the senses.
The Miami Research Institute of Florida reported that office workers who were massaged completed a math test more quickly and with fewer errors!
Is your business environment in need of some stress relief, wellness, AND productivity? Optimize health in your office and bring Corporate Massage Kneads into your office for some “kneaded” stress relief.
For more information on how we can best meet your “kneads”, contact CEO Janet Constantino TODAY through the Contact Us link OR by phone at 410-989-3577! We can also be found online on our website at for more information.