My job is so interesting: week to week, clients of all shapes and sizes sign up for corporate chair massage.  I am always so grateful for interesting and rewarding work while doing something I love. I often get asked about sore muscles, exercising, stretching, and...

Happy workers & chair massage.

I recently read the World Happiness Report (who knew?) and found some interesting facts and data.  It seems that many of the top counties consider the following to be important factors: caring, freedom, honesty, generosity, health, etc. When thinking of my days in an...

Chair massage speaks, are you listening?

As I have been practicing more yoga in 2020, I am reminded that my body speaks to me every single day–especially during an hour class of taking yoga.  Each movement indicates whether or “knot” it is a preferred stance, pose, and activity. Daily...

Overworked muscles “knead” chair massage!

COVID has changed the game in SO MANY ways for the overworked employee. Setting up our home offices can wreak havoc on our overused muscles (while sitting at a desk for 40+ hours per week) and joints negatively affect our life. Chair massage is one answer along with...

Fall into chair massage and Autumn organization!

Today is the FIRST day of Autumn. As you all know, 2020 has been unlike any year by FAR!  Fall has begun and out in the corporate world, it’s more than just pumpkins and Halloween, there are many things that go into this season like chair massage, long walks,...

Sitting for chair massage vs. at your (at home) desk!

There have been numerous articles written and studies conducted lately that indicate sitting for prolonged periods of time can actually harm the modern American worker. Sitting in this way leads to increased stress on the spine which contributes to increased back...