If you work for a company, you already know about something that isn’t talked about very commonly, vacation days. These days getting time away from the office can be not only tricky but time-consuming when planning to take a relaxing trip. Some even save those days up...
The morning alarm buzzes early now that I have high schoolers that greet the school bus in the dark for the first-morning school bell. The buzz starts early and continues throughout the day during the week. If you are like me, there are too many details and...
The days are lighter longer and some have their sites set on Memorial Day weekend! While I was at a yoga class earlier this morning, the instructor reminded the class that we can now officially wear white again. Her statement made me wonder. Do employees really abide...
Over the last few centuries, the image of the average American worker has changed significantly. During the Industrial Revolution, most male workers labored in factories. With new technologies and America becoming more consumer-based, most jobs now are located sitting...
Spring is bursting with the first day of spring on March 20th, 2022! It is great to reset, refresh, and renew. Mobile chair massage offers spring renewal! This is my favorite time of the year because the new season offers hope for renewal and the time to enjoy rebirth...
It’s early in the week and the to-do list growing. The weather is cold and the coffee is hot as we settle into the New Year and growing list of priorities and projects. Sound familiar? This growing list of projects is typical during the darker days of winter....