If you work for a company, you already know about something that isn’t talked about very commonly, vacation days. These days getting time away from the office can be not only tricky but time-consuming when planning to take a relaxing trip. Some even save those days up...
Over the last few centuries, the image of the average American worker has changed significantly. During the Industrial Revolution, most male workers labored in factories. With new technologies and America becoming more consumer-based, most jobs now are located sitting...
Employers are seeking ways to bring employees BACK into the office after a two-year retreat. Some HR executives may Google terms like Chair Massage Near Me or Mobile Chair Massage to get a better understanding of what is offered in the local area. Onsite chair...
I think that most people can agree that receiving a massage feels fantastic. Relaxed muscles, a soothing atmosphere, and a time of rest can certainly bring a smile to anyone’s face. And while massage therapy feels wonderful, there are also significant benefits that...
Spring is bursting with the first day of spring on March 20th, 2022! It is great to reset, refresh, and renew. Mobile chair massage offers spring renewal! This is my favorite time of the year because the new season offers hope for renewal and the time to enjoy rebirth...
Work-life can be super demanding. Offering mobile chair massage is NOT! Deadlines, meetings, work, people on edge, and much more can create the “perfect storm” of stress that can leave you dreading your daily commute to the office. I’m sure that I don’t have to make...