Any business offering a service has to excel with the highest level of customer service to retain and grow its business. Following COVID, many businesses (especially fast food locations) are suffering when hiring workers to match their levels of service! Corporate...
Remembering the days of pre-COVID, I enjoyed a getaway trip to Vegas, I saw massage therapists offering chair massage at every stop of my journey: in the airports, indoor malls, and of course on billboards advertising massage. I was impressed that my hotel offered...
As the health of the American workforce spirals downward, one has to wonder: is the quality of work done decreasing along with it? The answer is simple: yes. Unhealthy employees do not work to their full potential when they are not feeling their best. Many employers...
With summer starting up and COVID slowing down, it’s the perfect time to welcome your employees back with a mobile chair massage event!! We want to look and feel our best for the new season as we venture into the world again. It tends to be easier to make...
We all know it: stress is unhealthy, yet we experience it every day of our lives. Whether it be from our office jobs to kids or relationships, stress can come from almost any and every aspect of our lives. Not only does stress hurt your mental health, but it also...
My job is so interesting: week to week, clients of all shapes and sizes sign up for corporate chair massage. I am always so grateful for interesting and rewarding work while doing something I love. I often get asked about sore muscles, exercising, stretching, and...