With the holiday ALMOST here, vacation is finally here! Many are thinking of that precious time off known as chair massage near mevacation. Employees in today’s work environment have a challenge not only scheduling their vacation but also unplugging to take that well-deserved rest to recharge.

A recent Huffington Post article discusses burnout and its negative effects on office workers today. “Burnout is a very real issue in the United States. Spending too much time plugged into our inbox and on the job, less time with loved ones, and commuting BACK into the office can lead to stress and sometimes depression. This in turn can cause health consequences.

To further demonstrate this point is a list of the average number of paid vacation days given in a year to employees in each country (from least to greatest). As noted, the United States tops the list with the least number of days of vacation. It’s time to change that and schedule your vacation before summer ends.

1. United States of America – 13 days
2. Belgium – 20 days
3. Japan – 25 days
4. Korea – 25 days
5. Canada – 26 days
6. United Kingdom – 28 days
7. Australia – 28 days
8. Brazil – 34 days
9. Austria – 35 days (42 for elderly)
10. Germany – 35 days
11. France – 37 days
12. Italy – 42 days

How can your office schedule a mini-break for you and others during a busy week? An on-site chair massage program! Imagine leaving your desk for a peaceful quiet location within your office to settle into a massage chair while listening to peaceful music for 15 or 30 minutes. The corporate chair massage therapists know which muscles require the most attention all while helping you drift away for some rest.

Following your massage session, you’ll feel completely relaxed and ready to face the rest of the day. Corporate chair massage brings questions and inquiries and also decreases stress, relieves muscle pain and headaches, and improves productivity and flexibility! This could be the start of a “mini” vacation right in your office!

One simple call can start the “vacation mode” to schedule your corporate chair massage program!

Simply contact Janet Constantino, CEO of Massage Kneads, at 410-989-3577 or through the Contact Us link to get YOUR chair massage program started!



