chair massage

Photo by Cyril Saulnier

Many of us would love to live healthily. Our society is filled with motivational ads, diet commercials, new fitness plans to “get fit now,” and pictures of annoyingly beautiful people who say “You, too, could look like me one day.” However, is all of the propaganda motivational? It might be for a week (like the first week in January when the hoards hit the gyms to try to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions).  Chair massage offers immediate benefits while in your office.

Yet, this motivation is short-lived and not a consistent means to keep you active, eating healthy, and continually fighting for yourself and your health. Check out some ways below for how you can stay motivated towards caring for yourself in the way that you deserve:

  1. Do not try to “fix” yourself. Instead, try to be healthy because you appreciate what your body does for you. If you are inspired to start living more healthily because you hate how you look, don’t appreciate your lack of stamina, or overall don’t appreciate your body for what it does, then this motivation will be short-lived and will most likely result in self-hatred and discouragement.
  2. Focus on what you CAN do, not on what you can’t. Everyone has their physical limits, even Olympic athletes. None of us are invincible, and there will always be room for improvement in whatever physical activity we pursue. Instead of beating yourself up for not being able to do a certain exercise, be proud of yourself for trying and for doing anything at all. The hardest part of working out sometimes is putting on tennis shoes- you can do more than you think.
  3. Reward yourself often. When you are on the road to becoming healthy, the worst thing that you can do is fight for one specific goal (that might be months away in the making) and not celebrate the small victories. Instead of striving for one big goal (such as a huge weight loss or training for a race), set smaller goals (such as losing 2 pounds, running 2 miles, etc.). By celebrating the small victories, you maintain a positive mindset toward yourself and will be more motivated to keep going (instead of thinking of how far you have to go until you reach the ultimate goal.)
  4. Chair massage and table massage help keep the aches and pains to a minimum while building back strength, flexibility, and a regular workout routine!

Everyone is different, and on your journey to a healthy life, you should never compare yourself to others. Embrace the small victories and realize that you are often your own worst enemy. Be proud of yourself!

This client wrote us this review earlier this year.

Active star Active star Active star Active star Active star
“I’ve never done a chair massage before, but this is well worth the money. I was fighting some back pain after a sports injury for about a week until meeting with Donna and I’m feeling a million times better now.”

Corporate Massage Kneads would love to provide some relaxing chair massage or other wellness services to help you on your journey, especially when the office is trying to be healthier together. Schedule massage therapists to come in a month after you start the health initiative to be a small reward, or bring in a nutritionist to talk about how to practically eat healthier.

We would love to service any “kneads” you have!

Contact me, Janet Constantino, CEO of Massage Kneads, at 410-989-3577 to discuss how to start YOUR wellness program.