chair massages The workplace can be a hectic environment for anybody, with stress, competition, crazy schedules, and more. A smart company not only looks to reduce the stress on their employees for their workers’ sake but also for the benefit of the company. A workplace wellness program with chair massages, like those provided by Corporate Massage Kneads, can make all the difference in the success of a business.

Over 200 scientific studies point to the positive return on investment that wellness programs can provide for organizations, and since most people spend the majority of their waking hours in the workplace, the office must be a place that promotes healthy living habits.

Benefits of workplace wellness programs include weight loss, better physical fitness, better stamina, less stress, a better self-concept or self-image, and more. But more than employee benefits, check out the benefits for the business that provides wellness programs for their workers: better employee recruitment and retention, fewer health care costs, fewer rates of illness and injury, reduced “sick days,” better employee rationale, and increased productivity.

If that is not convincing enough, check out these statistics that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported in 2002 about work sites with wellness programs: decreased healthcare costs by 22-55%, less short-term sick leave by 6-32%, and increased productivity up to 52%.

Be a place where your employees feel encouraged to be healthy, an office that isn’t merely “work” but is somewhere your workers enjoy attending, and an atmosphere that outsiders would love to join. Take advantage of on-site wellness programs that could make a huge difference, like Corporate Massage Kneads and chair massages!

Corporate Massage Kneads provides onsite chair massage therapy which is ALWAYS well received! We welcome the opportunity to offer mobile chair massage in YOUR office. We are an on-site, fully insured company focused on bringing relaxation and wellness into busy and stressful work environments.

If you are a company with multiple sites in various locations, Corporate Massage Kneads is ready to provide!  We are a “one-stop shop,” and we would love to bring more relaxation while offering chair massages in your office!

Have your HR dept call us today at 1-410-989-3577 or check us out online at

We would love to help you with all of your corporate chair massages “kneads!”