Photo by Alicia Jones
While many people recognize that stress can be detrimental to one’s health, it can potentially lead to severe issues that are far worse than the typical results of stress, such as sleep irregularity, irritability, headaches, and more. Stress has a physical and emotional impact on us. Many have opted for wellness programs such as chair massage, yoga, and walking clubs to minimize stress.
Laughter, an amazing medicine for “the blues,” not only can make one feel better but can also significantly reduce stress. It can be a strong medicine to help reduce stress and mental strain. Laughter can also boost your immune system while diminishing pain AND boosting your mood. With these facts, it seems that laughter can mean so much more than a way to feel better.
By seeking out positive situations of relaxation that are conducive to laughter, you could significantly reduce stress in your life and drastically improve your health (while also working against a common precursor to cardiovascular disease). Attend a funny movie, get lunch with some hilarious friends, and find ways to relax at work (especially when the environment is experiencing a particularly stressful season). Laugh it off- it’ll do you a world of good!
If you’re looking for a way to relax and create a less-stressful environment upon your return to YOUR office, we would love to serve your health and wellness “kneads.”
Check out our website at www.CorporateMassageKneads.com, or call our CEO, Janet Constantino, at 410-989-3577. We would love to help you and your fellow employees escape, experience, and enjoy!