Since 2001, Corporate Massage Kneads is often asked questions with great interest from potential clients about the growing wellness trend of massage. Chair massage is becoming commonplace in the business world with employers ready to embrace wellness programs for their employees.
It is a challenge to find exact data and stats on the growing popularity of this wellness offering. Many massage companies are capitalizing on the interest of corporations by offering chair massage to their employees as it is shown to decrease stress, increase productivity, and relaxation among other benefits.
Thus, I thought for this blog, I would address frequently asked questions along with answers to help corporations find the ideal wellness company to partner with when offering corporate on-site chair massage to their employees.
Some often-asked questions include:
Question: What is chair massage?
Answer: Chair massage is an effective method to help alleviate muscle tension within a short amount of time.
Question: How long does it take?
Answer: Typically, 15 to 20 minutes per client.
Question: What is the best amount of time per client?
Answer: This is up to the company based on the budget and time allotted for their wellness program. Suggested times range from 15, 20 or (ideally) 30 minutes per client.
In an attempt to answer these, I also pose the following questions that companies should be asking of potential on-site chair massage providers.
Question: What is the average tenure of your therapists offering on-site chair massage?
Answer: With tenured massage therapists offering corporate chair massage, Massage Kneads would offer the perfect fit for your wellness “kneads.” All therapists hired by Massage Kneads have local state licensing, insurance, and an average of 5+ years with this specific type of (chair massage) work.
Question: What is the difference between table and chair massage when administering massage?
Answer: Chair massage therapists’ skills differ from table massage therapists with tempo (different strokes), limited area of concentration (to the head, neck, and shoulder areas) along time constraints to allow for maximum results for increased productivity and lower stress while working in a shortened period. All therapists working with Massage Kneads are experienced in this area as we have offered corporate chair massage to a variety of businesses and corporations for many years now.
Question: What documents are required for my special event?
Answer: Below, please find a list of documents that are prepared for each wellness event.
- Documentation (license, insurance, and a resume) for each assigned chair massage therapist upon request
- Liability Releases that are signed by each employee (which protects the Recreation Association
- A sign-up sheet used to schedule employee massages
- A corporate contract that details your event, pricing, your confirmed therapist/s, etc.
- W-9 tax form which is often requested by accounting
Question: Is the owner a licensed massage therapist? If so, for how long?
Answer: Janet Constantino it’s a licensed and tenured massage therapist and graduated from massage school in 2001. She has experience with organizing and scheduling corporate on-site chair massage wellness events.
Armed with these questions, a company can be assured of finding the best company to partner with to offer this (amazing and typically well-received) wellness program.
Read client testimonials here!
Schedule your corporate onsite chair massage program today! Start your quote today!
Escape. Experience. Enjoy.