Pay for a mobile chair massage now or later!
I typically read many publications that relate to health and well-being. In a recent article, a woman emphasized her continued quest to find the time for fitness every day. It was then noted that her ailing sister told her to seek fitness, proper nutrition, and health...
Increase work and life balance with mobile chair massage!
The balance between your personal life and work life is a never-ending compromise! In taking time away from the office last week, I have come to realize that many office workers do not schedule time off EVER. As we all know, planned time off helps to reduce stress,...
Mobile chair massages & best companies equal a “win -win”
New lists come out each year featuring the top companies to work for based on a variety of factors such as benefits, employee satisfaction, advancement opportunities, company culture, and work-life balance. Google, Salesforce, Microsoft, Apple, and many other...
Chair massage lowers stress
When employees do not communicate properly, it can cause misunderstanding, issues, and stress. Deadlines, presentations, and social issues within the office can cause mountains of stress that interfere with productivity and employees’ emotional stability. 25% of...
Four facts about wellness programs and mobile chair massage!
Don’t let communication of your wellness program get lost in translation. Many employers still remain concerned about their employees and their well-being. Wellness programs like mobile chair massage, yoga, walking clubs, and nutrition meetings are always helpful....
Posture and mobile chair massage
Office workers exhibit poor posture daily; it has become more commonplace due to excessive hours working at the office and on computers. Mobile chair massage events are beneficial for those sitting at a desk all day. As a massage therapist in a large corporate...
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